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Hello, and welcome to The Bearded.
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Mystic Podcast and I'm your host, Rahul N.
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Thank you for taking out the time today to either watch or listen to this podcast episode.
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Today we will be continuing on with the series called Wisdom of the Mystics, where we take a look at some of the mystics from the east and the west, and we look at a few of their sayings or their poems and get inspired by them.
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Before we do begin, there's a few things I would like to share with you.
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Details are all in the show notes and video description below.
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00 AM Eastern Standard Time, there is a free virtual meditation session along with discussion and q and a that happens afterwards.
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Please find the details in the show notes and video description below if you're interested in meditating with us as a community.
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Last month, we looked at the teachings of Atmananda Krishna Menon Ji, and today we'll be looking at the teachings of Shree Narayana Guru ji and this was recommended to me by a listener of the podcast and I'm actually really happy that I got to learn a lot more about Narayana Guru ji because I didn't know much about him.
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I've heard about him, but reading his works has been incredible.
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There's a lot to grasp and he was completely non-dualistic, and not only in his words, but also in his actual practice.
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Now let's take a look into his teachings.
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The first quote.
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Oh, now, here, all this, together with us, Brahman takes and spreads out in his divine, expansive mirror and looks at with his vast eyes.
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Yet again, reveals from the eye.
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This is a play for Brahman.
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This is part of Brahman; no, Brahman is without parts, so it cannot be called a part of Brahman.
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Absolute genius.
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I love this.
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We explore right now Narayana Guru ji's teachings and mainly he's quite poetical, in his approach.
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There's a lot of depth to what he says.
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It's, it's like he takes you on the journey to understand the refinement of thought and the refinement of intellect that happens when one is thinking in a non-dualistic lens and focuses it on it in a non-dualistic way.
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The thing about non-dualism is that if you doubt it, you will forever doubt it, but if you seek to understand it, you will get to the end point.
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You will end up seeing how everything is non-dualistic and advaita.
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But if you doubt or question whether non-dualism is true or practical, you've lost, you can't, then you will not be able to understand the philosophy and what we see here is, a genius quote because you've just see Narayana Guru just abolish those that think there's parts to Brahman.
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Like for example, how can the Formless have parts?
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It can only have parts, if it's has a form, even subtle form.
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If it's Formless, it can't, it cannot have any parts.
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If it's Nirguna, it cannot have any parts.
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So we can see here how Narayana Guru ji absolutely hits a sixer with this.
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Those that understand cricket know what I'm talking about.
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Uh, so Here, when we look at this quote, we first have to use that intellect.
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And then we get to that point of insight, and that's what I felt when I was reading this because I felt what he said.
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I thought about it, had to like listen to myself read it a few times.
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Then I've read it a few times.
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Then I was like, ah, yeah, I totally get it now.
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It's a very deep one.
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This quote in itself is a great way of highlighting the oneness of Brahman and that there is no Nirguna and Saguna.
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It's just one.
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That's it.
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No Nirguna and no Saguna.
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No need to put those two there.
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That's what Narayana Guru ji's saying.
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And on the ultimate level, I do agree with that, and I think that's the easiest way.
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There's only this Formless.
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There's only this Nirankar.
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Nothing else.
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Now for a second.
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We may entertain duality.
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So Narayana Guru ji says, oh, now, here, all this together with us.
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If you listen to that, if you read that, it's highlighting the joyfulness and playfulness of this whole thing.
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Oh, now here, all this together with us.
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He says Brahman takes and spreads out in his divine expansive mirror.
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Brahman creates this mirror.
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And what's the reflection?
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This maya.
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It's brilliant.
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So he says it's all a mirror of the same One.
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This Brahman is not different to us, but if we entertain separateness, then even then he's still with us.
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This is now here, all this together with us.
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You may say this is separate.
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This is separate, but it's together with us.
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Brahman takes and spreads out in his divine expansive mirror and looks at with his vast eyes, you your own vision.
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You, yourself, you see all this objective existence.
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That's what he's saying.
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And if I didn't make it clear, this divine expansive mirror is this Formless Awareness.
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This Formless Awareness within us looks at the world as a reflection of its own self.
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He looks at this reflection with his vast eyes.
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You see this world with your eyes that see this whole world.
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And again, withdraws it all into the one eye, meaning the sensory information of the reflection goes through the eye.
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And then from the eye, we process what the senses have given to the mind.
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It withdraws it all into the eye.
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There's the seer and then the seen.
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This is the seen.
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And then yet again reveals from the eye.
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Then we say within the mind.
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The mind then says, this is what you're seeing.
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The brain processes it and says, this is what you're seeing.
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The seeing and the seen is happening, and the wonderful thing is, He says this is a play for Brahman.
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This is a simple play.
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It's nothing complicated, nothing serious.
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In fact, if you capture what he said here, it's everything you need to know about non-duality, everything.
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Very beautiful.
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And then he says, well, this is part of Brahman.
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In fact, in common language, sometimes I also say this, this is part of Brahman, this is part of God's, this is part of this Formless Awareness.
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Sometimes I say this and then I realize afterwards, oh, should I correct myself or not?
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You know, like, I dunno whether I should, and then, but now I think I can because if Narayana Guru ji can do it, then that means.
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I should follow suit, follow what the teachers done, and adapt.
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We hear people say this, it's in Visistadvaita it's said, and some people say it now that we are a part of God, an ansh of God, or you are a part of God.
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And when you get mukti, when you die, then your Atman will meet the Param-Atma. Your soul will meet God.
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That's what they say, and then Narayana Guru ji says, this is nonsense.
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No, this has not happened.
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Who gave you this silly idea?
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Brahman is without parts.
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Narayana Guru ji makes it very clear that there are no parts to Brahman at all.
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Don't get yourself entangled in a mess of duality.
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One cannot call even the reflection in the mirror as part of Brahman.
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It is Brahman.
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There's only Brahman.
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All is Brahman, and Brahman is all simple.
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Keep it that way.
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Keep it that way.
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It's all easy.
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Spirituality, non-duality is simply understood.
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No other philosophies needed.
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No other idea is needed.
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No other concept.
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Just this, this first quote, more than enough, but we have to first intellectualize, then go into insight.
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This is why Brahm Gyana is essential, because Brahm Gyana helps us to understand these very simple teachings, very direct teachings, but they're not easily understood, but very beautiful.
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Then the second quote.
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Man is of one caste, one religion, and one Brahman, of one same womb, one same form with no difference at all.
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This is very amazing.
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In fact, the greatest thing about Narayana Guru ji is that he's also a social reformer and believed that caste was a huge problem, and at the same time expressed the ideas of advaita vedanta.
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If you think about it, if you say that you believe in advaita vedanta and then you believe in the caste system and you believe in the varna system, whatever you want to call it here, you're a problem.
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You don't get non-duality.
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You are not, you are not understanding the truth.
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How can you divide others?
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This says man is of one caste.
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When he says man human, humans of one caste, one religion, and one Brahman.
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What is the ultimate religion?
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Being in awareness of Brahman! How somebody gets it?
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Does it matter?
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That religion is enlightenment?
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Jivan-mukti, that's the only religion.
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He makes it clear now that humans are of one caste Not just Hinduism has caste, other religions have caste too.
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So let's not just point the fingers at Hindus.
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I think we should be open enough to say other religions do too.
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And within those castes, the four main castes, even in Hinduism or in Indian culture, shall I say, there's subcategories of that too.
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I know for a fact some religions say this Gurdwara or this temple is for one caste, this other temple or Gurudwara is for another one.
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Someone of a lower castee cannot come here.
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It happens.
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It may even happen in the states.
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I don't know, but I know discrimination on the caste does happen.
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I have faced it myself.
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And what Sree Narayana Guru ji saying it's impossible to have many castes because there's only one Brahman.
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How can it be many castes?
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How can there be many religions?
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He says there is only one religion.
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All are just names, but the main essence is that there is only Formless Awareness, that's religion.
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People say, my God is different to your God.
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My God is better than your God.
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Your God is worse than my God.
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Your God is incomplete.
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Mine is complete.
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This is silliness.
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This is stupidity.
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This is ignorance of the greatest kind.
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Some even say, my devta does better than yours.
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My deity is better than yours.
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You believe in the Devi, I believe in this Deva.
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Anyone that's like that, Misunderstands the Truth.
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There's only one Brahman.
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Your God is not better.
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There's only Brahman.
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Call it God.
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There's only one God then.
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That way you get rid of any animosity that, oh, they're following a weird God.
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There's only one ultimate reality.
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Simple as that.
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You can say people have misunderstood it and Narayana Guru ji's saying the same thing.
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Once we understand that, then things are clear.
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And then he says, this creation has come from one womb, which is Brahman, or even on a material level.
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This earth has come from the universe, so we are all one.
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We made up of the same elements.
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So it's the one same form.
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It's not anything different, meaning it is all the Shared Being, Saguna Brahman.
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It's all Brahman.
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There's no difference at all.
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It's all one unity.
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The differences are just appearances.
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They just appear to be different.
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And there is nothing but Brahman.
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Just remember that.
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Simple, lovely quote and a lot to capture again from that.
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The third quote.
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Awareness is the ocean from where all the forms do come, with kind for mould, and as the root for the rows of waves.
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This is in relation to Narayana Guru ji's social reformation, teachings on caste, and where does caste even begin?
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Or where does differences even begin, even of religion and all sorts?
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If we all arise from awareness and awareness, is that ocean?
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Why do we differentiate people with their caste?
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Is it even necessary today?
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Is it needed today?
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So where do all these forms come from?
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If awareness is the ocean from where all the forms do come with kind for mould and as the root for the rows of waves.
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If we are just waves in that same ocean, it's still the ocean, right?
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So this ocean of awareness is where all living beings arise from.
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We all have the same source.
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And we should all be shaped in kindness, understanding this, be kind.
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If we know where all forms have come from, then why do we have animosity?
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Why do we have hatred?
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Why do we treat other people differently due to the caste they belong to?
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All that is unnecessary.
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All that is silly.
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So we should have this strong base, this strong foundation of kindness.
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Being kind should be our natural response.
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And this root of kindness should be present.
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As we travel through life, we should be kind and respectful to others.
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Simple as that.
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That's all Narayana Guru ji is saying.
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And we have to remove any biases that we may possess, even analyze our unconscious ones.
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It's very important today to realize if we have any unconscious bias, not just towards caste, but race, gender, sexual orientation, all of those things.
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Today, people are crying because people are choosing their own pronouns.
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I dunno why that's a problem.
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Let people choose their pronouns.
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What's your problem?
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What's your issue?
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Let them.
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In, in one light we say, we believe we are all one family.
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And then the next second, did you hear what they did?
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Did you hear what they say?
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Have you heard about this?
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They decided this was their pronouns.
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Come on.
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We need to move forward, not backwards.
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Let people choose their pronouns.
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Let people decide their sexual orientation.
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Let someone feel what they biologically really feel.
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You don't have to judge.
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You don't have to discriminate.
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You don't have to treat people unfairly.
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If you feel like what you were biologically born with, fine.
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If somebody doesn't, they don't.
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Be kind and understand.
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That's, I say this, if spiritual people do not get this, I dunno who else will.
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And if non-spiritual people get it, shame on spiritual people.
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You claim all these big things.
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We do, we claim all these big ideas and we say we accept everyone, and then we have terms and conditions.
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That is not spirituality.
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We have to remove any bias we have.
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Now let's look at the fourth quote.
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The body is not real, a body-owner does dwell in the body, know this and dance.
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Swallowing body and owner together, remains One, know this and dance.
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I think Narayana Guru ji is pretty cool.
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He's pretty chill.
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First of all, he says the body's not real.
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We, we know the body's not real.