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Hello everyone, welcome to Oneness Conversations and I'm here today with Neil Bakshi and we're going to be learning a lot from him.
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Now I've listened to a lot of his interviews, watched a few of his interviews and they have been quite insightful.
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But I'm going to be asking him questions, which maybe he's been asked before, maybe you haven't.
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But it's about learning more and I'm excited to have this conversation with you.
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How you doing Neil?
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Nice to have you on.
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Thank you.
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I'm doing great.
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Thank you for having me on Rahul.
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I'm excited to be here.
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I, I have so much I think we can dive into and explore and I'm excited to share some cool things with you as well.
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So I'd love to get into it and just talk about an amazing conversation on oneness because I think that it's something you and I both really connect to and come from a different angle probably and it all links back into the same.
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Singularity in which it's from, so hopefully the listeners can get a couple golden nuggets out of it too.
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Yeah, absolutely.
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I'm sure they will.
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I'm sure they will.
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and I just want to give a shout out to Vinay Mehtaji who, introduced us.
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I'm glad he did.
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so just want to give him a thank you.
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Second that shout out, Vinay, you are, you are an angel in and of yourself, so thank you.
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I want to know what paved the way for spirituality to enter into your life?
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Were you born into a spiritual family or is it something that you've ended up cultivating as time has gone on?
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very grateful and very blessed to be born into a family that had really raised me on spirituality.
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So, um, my mom grew up and both my parents grew up in India.
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They moved to the U.
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and my mom really grew up in the Sikh tradition and eventually, um, sort of in 1992, actually when I was born, my dad joined a path called Self Realization Fellowship which was created by Paramahansa Yogananda, an Indian guru who came to the US in 1920 to basically teach scientific yogic techniques of meditation in the West.
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And so my dad joined that path and very soon after, my mom joined him on that path.
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And I actually was born, uh, or rather raised meditating since the age of five.
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And so they would really take me to the meditation chapel, teach me meditation at home.
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And so it was, um, I was very entrenched in, in that aspect of spirituality.
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And, um, that, that's really how I how I grew up.
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Oh, nice.
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So, your mom was from a Sikh background.
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How did she marry up the teachings of Paramhamsa Yogananda Ji and obviously Guru Nanak Dev Ji and how did that play?
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That's quite interesting.
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Yeah, it is.
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And so, it's so interesting because my dad actually says one of the greatest things he was attracted to in my mom was her spirituality and her, her, she would go to the Gurdwara regularly, really pray.
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And it was, um, it was one of my dad's favorite parts of my mom.
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And so she was really, she really would pray every morning before going to work.
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And, and she was a, a high powered woman in, in, in what she did.
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She worked in healthcare finance and, um, it's, it's amazing.
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But she, she married it up because I think Yogananda's teachings are quite universal and inclusive because all of his teachings actually link the Bhagavad Gita to the Bible and he's basically saying what they're saying in this Gita commentary is this, what they're saying in this Bible verse is this, they actually are saying the exact same thing.
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And so he brings a level of connection and so what he really sort of emphasizes is that there's many paths, but ultimately one truth.
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And so, he basically says, you know, it really doesn't matter what religion, or creed, or where you're from, we are all collective, global, united, it's the, he calls the united states of the world, or the united states of, of the international, or something like that.
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Where we are all this collective body, that we may have different upbringings, or roots, or belief systems, But there's ultimately many paths and one truth that leads you to divine source, union, oneness, God, whatever you want to call it.
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I do agree with that.
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It all stems from Vedanta, from the Upanishads and and all that they've taught is really, it emanates from that, and then even from the Western side, there's lots of similarities.
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Obviously there's obvious differences, we can call that diversity instead of differences, um, diversity of expression.
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I obviously I've kind of read bits of autobiography of a yogi.
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I haven't read, I read a bit and I don't know.
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I don't know if you find this, but I think I read it too late on.
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Like I wish I read it in the beginning of my journey, rather than later on, because then I found that it didn't fascinate me, the things he was talking about.
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It would have fascinated me years ago.
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I recognize that, but like it came a bit too late, I think for me.
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It always comes at divine timing, whenever you need it in your journey.
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I think he, uh, he has some amazing stories in there for sure.
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And so being raised on this path, he actually has written so much.
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It far exceeds just the, the Autobiography of a Yogi.
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He has an entire collection of writings.
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I'm like, how did someone write this before, like, within 60, less than 60 years of their life?
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Just like, you really must have been an open channel for the divine to really flow.
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He's written these like lessons that I actually get mailed to my house every two weeks and every lesson is on something different and it's on some different aspect of life and it's, it's about how to spiritualize your daily life in all aspects of life.
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And I think his, his teachings are just like, it expresses itself in many ways.
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So he has his amazing stories that he has in his autobiography, but then I think.
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The teachings also are very relevant to just how do you live a life that is allowing you to bring more sacredness into your life, or rather make your life more sacred as an offering in and of itself.
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That's very interesting.
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And yeah, I agree.
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Like they've written so much.
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Like I look at Swami Vivekananda Ji and like he, he lived, I think till he was 40, maybe, maybe shy of 40, in fact.
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And yeah, he has, you know, so much.
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So much work.
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I mean, they'd really devoted their life to spirituality, like truly devoted it.
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I mean, it's incredible.
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But yeah, that's really cool.
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Yeah, and he has done, I have read bits of his work on the Bhagavad Gita.
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He's done a commentary, I think, Paramhamsa Yoganandaji and I found some of the things that he has said in there very insightful, very, well, you know, really unique, actually.
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, I'm going to go straight into the deep end here and I'm going to ask you what, uh, what is the singularity of oneness and, um, both philosophically and experientially as well?
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I love it.
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I love that you asked the experiential part of it too, um, because I have such a, such an interesting story to share on that aspect.
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So the singularity of oneness philosophically, I believe is that It starts with this aspect of, if you want to call it light or creation, but the thing is, it far transcends just what I'm able to express in words as me saying light.
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And so what I mean by that, just kind of giving you an example, is if I went to two hydrogen molecules and an oxygen molecule in the ocean, and I said, Hey, you're wet.
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They wouldn't understand what I'm saying.
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The language that I'm That I'm communicating in just does not compute with their frequency.
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They would be like, we, we are, we're, we're atoms.
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We're, we're, we're electrons.
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Like we do not understand what you, what you mean when you say we're wet.
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And so when I say that there's a singularity of consciousness, I mean it's like a, it's a zero point.
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It's, it's where there is nothing but simultaneously everything, and within that nothingness exists everything that ever was, will be, can be, but it's simultaneously nothing, and so philosophically the oneness is If you want to consider it light, let's consider it light and that light then becomes fractalized much like when you put a Prism in front of a white light you'll start to get a fractal of rainbows Well that one white light became an entire swath of colors, right?
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Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet And so similarly as it goes through this prism, it becomes more fractalized And if I put it through more prisms, it would become even more fractalized.
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And so this singularity or oneness is the aspect of creation that we are all born from.
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And there's, it goes so deep, I can talk about causal planes, or I can talk about just higher densities of existence, but ultimately this singularity becomes more and more fractalized, and as it becomes more and more fractalized, in my view, It becomes more and more dense, and with density, I mean literally dense, like there's 8 billion humans, we're very dense, opaque beings, and as you pull that fractalization back up into itself, you get back into that oneness, or that singularity, which is ultimately what I believe it an amazing aspect of what meditation is able to offer because it pulls me back into that state of basically seeing between the overlapping thoughts of the egoic illusion of Neil and coming into this space of Union, which which is the definition of yoga in and of itself.
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It's union.
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It's this feeling of union in in not just my body, but transcendent of the body.
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It's the spirit connecting back into its source.
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And another analogy I like to use is sort of, if you think about a spotlight that's shining down, let's say, on Earth.
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And this spotlight is broken up into billions of little tiny squares.
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And each one of those squares is shining down on Earth.
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And that's an individual that's, that's in a body.
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But if you look back at that spotlight, it's all from the same collective spotlight.
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We all have this spark of light within us that is from this massive emanating light.
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And so that's kind of this aspect of this oneness of singularity or consciousness that is tried to be explained in words.
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And then, um, the experiential side of it, right?
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That, that I think is, is sort of where this aspect of meditation also comes in, because we can talk about this kind of stuff until the cows come home, and we can, we can study at end about it.
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We can read so many different Philosophers or spiritualists or texts or watch videos, but I think I would never want anyone to actually just take my word for it.
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In fact, I don't think anyone should do that with anything in their life because I think the only way to actually understand something and also why we're here to live the human existence is to fully experience the breath of it, be it the breath of emotions or life situations we go to.
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And if, for example, I told you ice cream was sweet, but you never tasted ice cream, you would just be like, oh, Neil told me ice cream was sweet, so that must be sweet.
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But you wouldn't really understand what it meant to be sweet.
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You wouldn't really understand, okay, this is the texture, the flavor, the temperature, the sweetness of it.
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And so it's that aspect of having the full experiential understanding that allows you to genuinely, capital K, Know and feel what that oneness is.
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And so, um, I had this rich experience, I went into darkness for a week.
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And, I, I really did, you couldn't do nothing except be with your thoughts and meditate.
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There's nothing to do there.
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And, It was an experience that I had that was genuinely me feeling that oneness, and I could, I had an experience where I also saw it, if I can say it was like a vision in a way, and it was in a completely open plane where there was nothing there, and far off in the distance there was just a dot.
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A dot that is emanating light, and there's nothing there, but as you get closer and go into it, you look inside of this dot of light, and within this dot, it contains every aspect of reality, every universe, star, planet, galaxy, reality, human, Alternate life form, an alternate timeline, every possible timeline that any human or any being in any reality can live.
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It contained within it a totality of everything, but simultaneously it was nothing.
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And it's almost like if I put a circle in front of you and I say, Step into the circle.
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Well, did you enter the circle from the beginning or the end?
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Well, you don't know.
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It's, it, it doesn't, it has no beginning and no end.
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And it's that feeling of, it is a singularity of unity that has no beginning and no end.
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It is simultaneously nothing, but within it contains everything, which is the most beautiful paradox of, I think, our existence, and simultaneously the expression of what I believe spirituality to be experientially.
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Very, very interesting.
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Uh, and I remember one of my first major spiritual , breakthrough was actually, meditating and seeing a point of light.
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And, but I, what happened with, I, I had this kind of inner voice.
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It wasn't my own.
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I would like to believe it was my own, but it wasn't . Um, but it was like.
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"Even this, I am not", because I was making the light into a form, if that makes sense.
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That's when I would say that experience of seeing the whole of existence all in one go and then coming back into the, like, well, I would say into the body, into the awareness of the body, it was interesting.
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So it's quite cool.
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And the fact that you did a retreat, seven day retreat, did you say?
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Yeah, it was 132 hours, so 6 nights, 7 days, yeah.
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You know what?
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I don't think people can cope with 30 minutes in the dark room.
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I mean, the only time they like things when it's dark and it's to go to sleep and, for you to do that, that's, uh, that's remarkable.
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Uh, shows you got a lot of strength mentally
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it was intense.
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And it's funny because I, growing up, I was terrified of the dark.
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I wouldn't go into the basement alone.
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I wouldn't take the garbage can to the end of the driveway at night alone.
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I was terrified of the dark.
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And I guess eventually you just, you just grow up.
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But I think this is beyond growing up and it was something that really called me to it.
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And it's something that's also been done in ancient traditions.
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Throughout time as a rite of passage and initiation that in and of itself I think really felt like an initiation because The ancient buddhists did it, you went into caves, the Buddha.
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It's even believed the Prophet Muhammad received the first verse of the Quran in a cave.
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The Ancient Egyptians and ancient Mayans, the Kogi tribe of Colombia still actually take children when they're born and put them in a cave for the first nine years of their life, who are selected to be their highest form of healers known as mamas.
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And so I think it's a it's something that really does something to, to the, to the consciousness, ultimately, to see what, what it is.
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I mean, I know for sure, Ramana Maharshi, I think after his awakening, He went, he was in a cave for a good couple of years at least, and before he went, before he was kind of dragged out to start teaching, but the story is that apparently he was so engrossed in meditation for that many years that, you know, there were insects eating into him.
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He was that kind of, uh, into that experience of the self, or Brahman.
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Yeah, yeah, really Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
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You mentioned the cave thing and, you know, I think, and caves are, have a big significance in India too.
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There, there are, I think you see many ashrams or you see even like the deities, they're in caves actually.
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So it's, yeah, there's a massive significance, but yeah, massive respect for, for doing that.
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I mean, that's incredible.
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Now I would like to ask from this singularity of, , oneness.
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There's a few things.
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One, one was, so would you say that we are different to this to this, uh, singularity?
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Or is it just the appearance that we're different?
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What is it?
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Is, is there a separation or is it not a separation?
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So, in my own personal view and experience, the separation is, is born of the egoic identity of separation.
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It's, it's, the illusion of separation is as I view it.
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We are, we are not innately different from this, this singularity, this light of singularity.
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We all, we all are born of this singularity and we contain the singularity within us.
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It's like taking, if I, if I go into the ocean and I take a glass of water out of the ocean, is it different than the ocean?
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No, it's, it's the same water that was in the ocean.
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It's simply in a glass.
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It's in a different vessel.
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And we're putting that vessel here.
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But similarly, that's how I view every single person in this world.
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I view every single person as a teacher, as me, as the divine, as that light, as that singularity.
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And I think that's the, that's really what we're, what we're missing a little bit today as we go about our global world and seeing different conflicts and divisiveness across gender or race or sexuality or creed.
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And I think it's, it, that aspect of seeing ourselves in the other is lost.
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And I think that is the beauty of what kind of pulls us back into remembering that everyone is our brother.
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Everyone is our sister.
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We are, we are one being.
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The ground of being is the same.
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It reminds me of Kabir Ji's, one of his lines.
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I think it's in the Guru Granth Sahib that, the drop is in the ocean and the ocean is in the drop, you know, that, uh, whole thing.
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And I, so I think Rumi also has something similar as well.
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But yeah, it's, it's fascinating, very beautiful that you, you mentioned that, and I agree with you that there's this illusion of separation and that's what I mainly talk about on my podcast is that, uh, yes, there is this relative reality, this transactional reality.
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We have to be different on appearance, and thank God we're a bit different on appearance, because, you know, if everyone was just the same, we wouldn't enjoy each other's company, uh, enjoy, uh, the material objects that we get to enjoy.
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I wouldn't be able to enjoy that chocolate cake that I love to eat.
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Not, I can't eat it as much anymore, but, uh, you know, but, but, you know, um, and then, but, Innately, I should realize that when I go back into myself, that actually we're all one, and like you said beautifully, it doesn't matter how different people are, we're all one, and We have more in common than we, have, different.
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I know that, uh, yeah, we probably have another election cycle coming up in I know it's coming up.
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I think it's happening in the UK as well.
00:20:01.404 --> 00:20:03.845
So India is having its election.
00:20:03.845 --> 00:20:14.664
So I know it's going to be a time of extreme divisiveness, but at the end of the day, regardless of who wins, uh, regardless of the journey there, if we all remember that.
00:20:15.819 --> 00:20:22.000
You know, the person that is in the opposition or so called opposition is the same as us.
00:20:22.609 --> 00:20:24.329
I think it won't turn into hate.
00:20:24.339 --> 00:20:29.349
It becomes into a careful discernment of who you want to pick rather than, oh, well, I hate that person.
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Hence, I'm not voting for that person type of thing.
00:20:32.130 --> 00:20:37.309
So yeah, um, prayer is that we're more loving and we see more from that unity.
00:20:37.470 --> 00:20:38.589
Um, so I like that one.
00:20:38.640 --> 00:20:43.275
I like how it can become part of the world rather than separate, you know.
00:20:43.880 --> 00:21:00.630
completely, and I think the beauty of it is we're not here to, so I believe this separation is born out of the need of the egoic consciousness to exist in this world of duality that we live in, here in this third dimensional plane.
00:21:01.130 --> 00:21:16.640
And to that point, the ego isn't something to be disliked or wanting to be killed off because, for example, as you correctly stated, well, if there is no more Quote illusion of separation.
00:21:16.650 --> 00:21:18.869
Well, then you wouldn't be able to enjoy the chocolate cake.
00:21:18.880 --> 00:21:20.660
You and the chocolate cake would already be one.
00:21:20.730 --> 00:21:28.299
So you wouldn't really be able to experience the chocolate cake in its full experience of being a delicious chocolate cake.
00:21:28.759 --> 00:21:37.599
And so I think that that is part of the beauty of living the human experience to be able to The ego just wants to be heard.
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It wants to be understood.
00:21:39.009 --> 00:21:43.400
It genuinely just wants to be loved, which is what we all want here.
00:21:43.400 --> 00:21:43.460
Thank you.
00:21:43.994 --> 00:21:57.380
And I think, how can we bring that level of love to the ego to then allow us to experience one another from a space of genuine curiosity, care, compassion, love, and joy.
00:21:57.380 --> 00:22:03.450
And I think that kind of is also where this aspect of Leela or the divine play comes in as well.
00:22:03.450 --> 00:22:07.160
It's since when did we really decide to take life so seriously?
00:22:07.529 --> 00:22:14.440
And I think that is a whole nother aspect of what this brings into the picture, but just Yeah, something that came up as you're talking about
00:22:14.605 --> 00:22:16.085
Yeah, no, beautiful.
00:22:16.105 --> 00:22:16.664
Thank you.
00:22:16.904 --> 00:22:25.755
Now I'd like to know more about how did the angel numbers come into, I know there's a story behind this, and maybe you wanna share that as well.
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But eventually, what I wanna get us to, is how we can link this singularity of oneness to the angel numbers.
00:22:32.825 --> 00:22:35.372
If you can make that link, for us.
00:22:36.115 --> 00:22:36.506
00:22:36.705 --> 00:22:45.195
So I will go into a two second overview of this and make it super fast, maybe a little more than two seconds.
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So in 2020, my mom very suddenly and unexpectedly passed on.
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That created a catalyst where I went back into meditation, into my spiritual roots, more than I ever had before, just to seek peace and solace.
00:23:01.476 --> 00:23:09.080
In the first three months of 2021, I started to receive messages from outside of myself for the first time ever, really, in meditation.
00:23:09.300 --> 00:23:09.871
Really ever.
00:23:10.330 --> 00:23:13.121
And it was the message that said, you need to help people.
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It was the same message every day for three straight months, and I had no idea what that meant, how I was supposed to go about doing that.
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I was working at Goldman Sachs in investment banking, I was like, Wall Street as Wall Street gets, like, super hardcore in that mood, like, oh, yeah, yeah.
00:23:29.605 --> 00:23:48.885
And, what happened was, Because I work with numbers so much like Bloomberg is on my screen I had like four monitors in front of my face CNBC tickers Excel financial models numbers are a huge part of what I did and What would happen is as that year progressed?