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Hello, and welcome to another episode of The Bearded.
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Mystic Podcast and I'm your host, Rahul N.
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Thank you for taking out the time today to either watch or listen to this podcast episode Today we will be continuing on with my thoughts on the Bhagavad Gita.
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But before we do begin, there's a few things I would like to announce.
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00 AM Eastern Standard Time, there is a free virtual meditation session along with discussion and Q and A.
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So today we will beginning with chapter nine, and we'll be looking at verses one to verse five.
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Let's start with verse 1.
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Sri Bhagavan spoke to Arjuna: Because you are never jealous of my opulence, and you are sincere.
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I will share these supreme secrets with you.
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By realizing this divine knowledge, you will become immune to anything that could otherwise cause you harm.
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Let's break this verse up.
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Sri Bhagavan spoke to Arjuna because you're never jealous of my opulence, and you are sincere.
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I will share these supreme secrets with you.
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First of all, we can understand here that Sri Krishna wants to make it clear that Arjuna has some great qualities.
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One, he's never jealous.
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Arjuna doesn't seem to have any sort of jealousy about the greatness of others, and especially Sri Krishna.
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And this is one things that we need to note within ourselves.
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Do we have jealousy for anyone that is higher than those in terms of spiritual progress or further ahead in the spiritual progress?
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This can creep in without just even knowing.
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Whenever we find there is an aversion of some kind in terms of learning from someone, we can find that happening.
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So it's great psychological insight from Sri Krishna.
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That can show you what happens to a disciple when they are in the company of a true teacher, in the company of a true spiritual friend, and what that can entail and how the seeker or the devotee can get feelings of, like I said, aversion, of disillusionment, of jealousy, and that can hinder our progress.
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We also know Arjuna adores Sri Krishna.
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This is obviously highlighted in one of the most famous stories that are told in the Mahabharata, Duryodhana and Arjuna come to see Sri Krishna.
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And he's having an afternoon nap.
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And basically, Duryodhana sits near the head of Sri Krishna and Arjuna sits near the feet of Sri Krishna.
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And when Sri Krishna wakes up, he asks them, you know, what are they here for?
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And, they're both are looking for help in the war from Sri Krishna and Sri Krishna gives the choice of either his really strong army, from his own land or himself and, and he asks Arjuna to pick because Arjuna was the first person he saw when he woke up because Arjuna was at his feet.
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But that also shows Arjuna's humility that he didn't feel that he was at the same level, and he also respected Sri Krishna.
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And in India, in our Indian culture, it is very important that whenever we are in the company of, not elders, but people who are wiser, it doesn't matter how old you are, it's about wisdom.
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Whoever you feel you can learn from, which can be literally everybody, you sit at their feet, even the Upanishads is sitting at the master's feet is what it really can mean.
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So anyway, back to the story.
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Sri Krishna asks them what they want and Arjuna says, I want you Sri Krishna and Duryodhana laughs.
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And he is like, you choose one person.
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I wanted to pick the army anyway.
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And you know, this is an army of thousands.
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And this goes to show that Arjuna really does adore Sri Krishna.
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And it's not something that's just happened now.
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It's from a long time.
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And that shows his level of respect.
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Even though he may not have intuited what his decision would've brought, but it certainly shows that he was a lot wiser than people make him out to be.
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Anyway, back to the verse that Arjuna absolutely adores him and it's really obvious.
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Most of all, Arjuna has been a sincere seeker with his questions and has not pretended to be anything else.
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He's not pretended to be enlightened.
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He's not pretended to be something else, really strong.
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He's never disregarded anybody.
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He's held everyone, even those against him in high regard, and this is something to note because not everyone can deal with their enemies in the same way.
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With Arjuna, you can see even with his questions to Sri Krishna, they've been very valid.
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Even though they may seem critical of Sri Krishna, like for example, when he tells Sri Krishna, you've only killed demons.
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You never killed your gurus or your family members like you're asking me to do.
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Even with that, there's a sincerity to it.
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There's an honesty to it.
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Also his ability to be open with his mental state.
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How many of us are willing to admit that things are not okay in our lives?
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But Arjuna does this in the midst of a war where he is meant to fight now.
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That's his whole job, is to fight as a warrior.
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And in this battle he's talking about feeling low and talking about giving up.
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Who does that?
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Then when he accepts Sri Krishna as a Guru, then he asks these questions so he can understand deeply.
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How many of us, if we did ask a spiritual question, don't even do any follow up.
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And we then don't even care about how much we've achieved or how much we've learned.
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And actually normally our follow up questions tend to determine how much we've actually learned.
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It's only in enlightenment at the end of our journey of awakenings that we end up going towards silence.
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But before that, most of us, not all, but most of us, will ask follow up questions.
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So, I want us to appreciate Arjuna here and just like Sri Krishna is doing.
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Like I said, sometimes we may voice our grievances and hold back, but Arjuna doesn't do that.
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That's why I think Arjuna is a lot wiser.
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He is smarter, he's intelligent, and his sincerity speaks volume.
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And due to this, the secrets are going to be shared with Arjuna because he has earned it.
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This is the one thing that people don't understand, especially in the bhakti circles, people think, oh, if I have devotion, if I just surrender, I'll get everything.
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No, you have to earn that.
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And it's determined by how much you use your intellect in the beginning.
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Surrender happens afterwards.
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Before that, there's a whole work of the mind to address to deal with, and this is why Arjuna has earned it.
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While a lot of us, I don't think we deserve this type of knowledge because we are not willing to do the work beforehand.
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We just expect that, oh yeah, we just say to a master, to a spiritual teacher, yeah, we offer our life to you.
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We will do whatever you say.
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But really we wanna do our own thing, like deal with life in the way we want, but then expect to attain every fruit or reward possible in the spiritual journey, it doesn't work that way.
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In the second part of the verse, he says, by realizing this divine knowledge, You will become immune to anything that could otherwise cause you harm.
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First of all, once he has this divine knowledge, which he's already been given, but there's gonna be more emphasis on this, this knowledge of Brahman than whatever comes his way, will never harm him.
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Ultimately, when he has this knowledge of Brahman, when he understands it, when he abides in it, nothing will harm him because he's not the body and mind because that's a changing reality.
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He's that Witness Consciousness, which is changeless.
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Now, the harshest reactions could occur to him, but they will not touch him.
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They will not modify his behavior, modify the way he feels.
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They will not harm him in any way.
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They will not touch him in any way.
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They will not blemish his character in any way.
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These are the guarantees that Arjuna is getting and so are we, if we pay heed to the knowledge.
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If we pay attention to the knowledge.
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If we understand the knowledge.
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The one thing also that I find that happens in bhakti a lot, and there's a reason why I'm talking about bhakti a lot because the bhakti chapters are about to arrive.
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One thing I wanna mention is that true bhakti also means that you first understand the knowledge and that you get away from physical worship, idol worship.
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And I don't mean idol worship, just in terms of murtis actually, I'm on about worship in terms of the physical form alone.
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Like sometimes we think the physical form of the Guru should be worshiped.
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No, this is again, spiritual immaturity.
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I'm not saying don't appreciate the guru's form because without the Guru you wouldn't be where you are.
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But what I'm saying is the knowledge should be supreme.
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The knowledge is what you follow.
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The Gyana is what you follow.
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The Gyana is everything.
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This should be our insight.
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Also, if you're reading the Gita, it's not simply just reading the Gita or reading any of the scriptures.
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It's about practicing the teachings, putting it into our lives, experimenting with the teachings, seeing if they work, see what works for us, see what doesn't.
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Because not all of us are gonna go down the path of bhakti.
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Not all of us are gonna go down the path of Gyana.
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Not all of us are gonna go down the path of selfless service.
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Not all of us are gonna go down the path of meditation.
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Every one of us may have a mixture of all four or a mixture of two or, or just follow one.
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Whatever works for you is what matters.
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There's no right or wrong way, and that's.
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That's the message I wanna give on the podcast, even though my focus is more Gyana and a bit of bhakti and a bit of meditation and a bit of, selfless service (seva).
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But most of all, you gotta find your own.
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The other thing I wanna say about this is that Sri Krishna also is telling Arjuna, that remember what I'm telling you?
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One, you're gonna be immune to any harm in terms of if you get hurt in this.
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Remember, it's only happening to the body, not to your real self.
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And also if you're doing an action and you let go of the doership, remember you are not going to get the reactions to that karma.
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Now what he means by that is it's not that the body and mind will not face the consequences.
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It may do so, but because your intellect is so strong, because you're established in Brahman, it will not harm you the way it would harm somebody else.
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Yeah, you could do the same actions as the next person, but because you've been practicing the spiritual teachings, it will not cause you the same level of harm.
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Verse two.
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This is the secret knowledge that is primarily given to those who rule.
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It is the knowledge that empowers leaders to truly protect all beings and serve in a way that is pure and beyond the corruption of tamas.
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This knowledge is clear, always supports dharma, brings joy to all and is always true.
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Let's break this verse up again.
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This is the secret knowledge that is primarily given to those who rule.
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It is the knowledge that empowers leaders to truly protect all beings and serve in a way that is pure and beyond the corruption of tamas.
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Indirectly here, Sri Krishna has already made Arjuna the winner of the war.
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He's already declared his victory, which is very interesting.
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But he's also telling Arjuna that this is the way to lead your nation too.
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This is the way to lead your kingdom.
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He's referred to this knowledge as the royal knowledge, the raja vidya, the royal knowledge.
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This is how utilizing this knowledge is how he's got to rule, But what is the true ruler?
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What is really ruling everything?
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It's this Brahman, this Shared Being.
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Therefore, this is the knowledge of Formless Awareness.
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This knowledge of Formless Awareness is what makes us established in Brahman.
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Established in the Formless, makes us Formless in terms of identity, if you could call it identity.
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But we no longer associate with the body and mind.
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Therefore, we don't associate with name and form, status, title, and all this.
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But we rule because we serve without a title.
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We don't need the title.
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People give the title, but we don't rule from that title.
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We simply serve others.
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That's it.
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Now, this knowledge of Brahman is the true protector of all.
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If Arjuna keeps note of this knowledge, he will always be protected by it.
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When one says the world beyond laziness, inertia, or even expectations of some kind, one attains, the love of the nation, the love of the people, the respect of the people.
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And people will serve you because they see that you are an honest person.
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They see that you're a sincere leader, a sincere ruler of the nation.
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Now, what it means by over laziness and inertia, what can happen when people rule?
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You see this in companies today, which are really the new kingdoms.
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You see people become lazy with their ideas.
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They stop caring.
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They do cost cutting exercises where they stop caring about the people and they care more about the margin of profit instead of the margin of happiness.
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This is what happens.
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That's laziness and inertia.
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When you start seeing that, for example, right now we see there is the whole layoff situation.
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In my opinion, this is the corruption of tamas.
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This is laziness from these companies.
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If you're not losing money in terms of if you are not in losses, why are you letting people off?
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You should allow people to work for you as long as you're earning profit, what's your issue?
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And a lot of these companies, okay, maybe some of them are facing difficulties, but a lot of them are still earning billions in profit and they're paying zero taxes.
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So that is what Sri Krishna is talking about here.
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Anyone that is doing these things, you can see they are lazy.
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The other aspect of laziness is that there is a big disparity in the income.
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So you see a lot of CEOs earning millions and you see, the lowest pay worker in the company earning a couple of thousands, they're just earning five digits.
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And in the lower end, we're talking about 15,000, 20,000, dollars or pounds.
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In my opinion, there shouldn't be such a big disparity.
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So that's also laziness where we don't have proper structure.
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These are the things to note where we can adapt this to the modern day life.
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So if you have a business, if you're an entrepreneur, that's how you apply the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.
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It's not about being a poster person of, oh look, I'm following the Gita, I'm following the messages of Sri Krishna, look at me, while I rake in millions and let everyone else earn peanuts.
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That is not it.
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Or you earn money on the back of other people.
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Paying for like courses and stuff, and yet you're not really giving them anything that's truly tangible, in terms of you're not helping them actually, spiritually.
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For example, there is a very popular YouTuber podcaster, I won't mention the name outta respect.
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They have this coaching academy or coaching thing.
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Now how many other people are actually getting coached by that person?
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I doubt it, and the reason why I doubt it is because I've not heard one person today say, well, I come from that school where I got coached by that person.
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The one thing that I wanted to do with this podcast, with my podcast, or with the YouTube community is that if anybody comes to me for help, and they want to be coached.
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One, I should always be available for that.
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And you know, there may be a time when one cannot do that, for example.
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I think with that YouTube personality or podcast personality, I think now it gets to a point where it's difficult.
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So if you are putting a paywall there, what my issue was with the paywall is really, it is not that person messaging you, it, it's basically like an AI bot that is literally messaging you, not that person.
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So for me, what it is, the person has to be there.
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If I am to do this one day of spiritual coaching, academy, then I would expect myself to be the person that is leading it and I should be the one that helps you personally.
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And not only that, but there's follow up from me.
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It's not literally you do the course or you do the program and then I forget about you.
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Even if, say at one point I'm the coach and the other person is learning.
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Well, even if we become peers, at the end of the day, if we both become coaches, which should be the goal anyway, is that this should multiply.
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People should, I should be able to coach people who then will help others and they should have their own system.
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In fact, it'd be even greater if they're more successful than me.
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That should be the way it works.
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When I say this about obviously these people that are huge YouTube stars in the spiritual circles who've utilized the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads or non-duality or anything like that.
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But the other side is especially Gurus today in spirituality, especially them, how many of your people are enlightened?
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Not people, you just say they're enlightened, actually are enlightened?
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And how many of them have you turned into gurus?
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That should be the real test.
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If you still have disciples, in my opinion, there's a problem.
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This has to be addressed, not only in the spiritual circles, but even those that have taken a step back from being spiritual gurus, but are more like coaches or who made it more of an entrepreneurial thing, even with you?
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How are you creating more coaches?
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Like really, and that you have a code of ethics to support it.
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You know, it's not necessarily that this person can go wild.
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These are the things to look at.
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This person is not corrupted by finding shortcuts and looking for ways to bypass the system.
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No, that's not the real ruler.
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There are no shortcuts on the spiritual path because of how direct it is.
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It's simple as that.
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There's no shortcuts.
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There can be a shorter path and a more direct path but there's no shortcuts.
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In terms of to get to enlightenment, work has to be done.
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And then in the second part of the verse: this knowledge is clear, always supports Dharma, brings joy to all and is always true.
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This knowledge is about absolute clarity.
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It will clear all your doubts, it will address any questions you have.
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That's how pure this knowledge is.
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And if you feel that this knowledge cannot be questioned, then the knowledge you have is not perfect.
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This knowledge should be able to stand the test of doubt completely.
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Then it supports dharma meaning the path towards righteousness.
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So always you will be following that path of righteousness.
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Whatever is right for the many, not for the few.
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Simple as that.
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It brings joy and happiness to all.
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Anybody you encounter loves being in your company, loves being in the company of that truth and that remembrance, it strengthens them.
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And it is eternally true.
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Like I said, beyond doubt and will never disappear or leave.
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It cannot leave you in any way.
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It cannot disappear in any way.
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It's eternally static, you could put it that way.
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And nobody can take this knowledge from you.
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Nobody, not one person.
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You can lose it if you don't abide in it, but nobody can take it away from you.
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There's no magic mantra where there's someone will say something and suddenly you lose that Brahm Gyana or you lose that wisdom.
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No, you or me, ourselves, we can bring ourselves down.
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And we can lose that wisdom, but that wisdom does not leave us.
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Then verse three.
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Those persons who cannot stay in a state of shraddha and focus upon the invisible yet essential truths of dharma cannot attain a permanent connection with me.
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So they stay on the path that leads to repeated birth and death through samsara.