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Hello, and welcome to The Bearded Mystic Podcast.
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And I'm your host, Rahul N.
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00 AM Eastern Standard Time there is a free virtual meditation session along with discussion and Q&A.
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Today we will be continuing on with my Thoughts on the Bhagavad Gita, and we will be specifically looking at chapter 10, verses 15 to 24.
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Let's get started with verse 15.
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O greatest Atma, only You truly know Yourself with Your own Atma, for You are Purusha Uttama—the greatest person who exists beyond the influence of the gunas.
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Bhuta Bhavana—the source of well-being for all living beings.
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Bhutesha—the ultimate ruler above all living beings.
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Devadeva—the Supreme Deva to whom all other devas must answer, Jagatpati—the master, controller, and source of all the universes.
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So let's break this verse up a little.
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So he begins with, O greatest Atma, only You truly know Yourself with Your own Atma, for You are and so obviously then he will describe Sri Krishna, but it's one line to remember.
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So let me reword this to how we refer to this in the podcast.
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It's O the greatest Formless Awareness only you know your yourself with your own awareness for only you are.
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If we can understand that this is what Arjuna is referring to that you are the greatest Atma.
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You are the greatest living being.
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And remember, Arjuna has surrendered to Sri Krishna.
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He has become the student, the disciple of Sri Krishna.
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So that's why he says, oh, greatest Atman and in the sense of existence, it is the greatest in terms of the shared being.
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And only you truly know yourself.
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Only you can know your true self.
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Only you know by your own mind, and it's a hint towards us.
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Once we understand our own Self, then we will say the same thing, that only I know myself with my own Atman, with my own mind.
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And in a way, it's also showing the greatness of Sri Krishna.
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That with the mind of Sri Krishna, he can contemplate and truly know himself.
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But we must remember that this is available to us when we go higher in our spiritual journey.
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It's only through this awareness that we recognize that this ever present awareness always remains.
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It's always there.
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Now, what qualities does it have?
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What makes it so special?
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So first he says, Purusha Uttama—the greatest person who exists beyond the influence of the gunas and Bhuta Bhavana—the source of well-being for all living beings.
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So this Formless Awareness, once we recognize it in another, like our Guru or Sri Krishna or we recognize it , within our own self, then we see that it is the greatest being as Formless Awareness that exists.
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And remember another thing that it's Purusha Uttama meaning is the greatest person now, why is it the greatest person?
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Because it's beyond the influence of the gunas.
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Sattvic, rajasic, tamasic.
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It does not belong to that.
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There is no notion of purity in it.
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There's no notion of laziness or ignorance or any notion of activity or lack of control or hyperactivity.
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There's no notion of this.
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There's no sense of holier than thou.
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It is the greatest person that exists.
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In fact, it's the only thing that exists, so that's why it is the Purusha Uttam.
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then Bhuta Bhavana, the source of wellbeing for all living beings.
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This Formless Awareness remains as a source of wellbeing.
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From it, we get our teachings, our spiritual disciplines, and that's why it's the highest.
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That's why it's a source of everything.
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When we want to go to that peace within, we have to go to that awareness itself.
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We have to go to either our Guru or Sri Krishna also.
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So it's a source of wellbeing for all living beings.
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Once we are aware of this Formless Awareness or the Shared Being of Sri Krishna, then we automatically start feeling peaceful and content.
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Then we do not want anything more in life.
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We are happy with what we have and we are always in spiritual practice.
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The more spiritual practice we're in, the more peace we are in, and that's why we are at the peak of wellbeing when we rise above this body and mind.
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Then he says, Bhutesha the ultimate ruler above all living beings.
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In essence, it rules over everything.
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Sri Krishna or Isvara, It rules over everything.
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Without Consciousness even, how can objects even appear?
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Think about it.
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The source of everything, remember is this Isvara, this Sri Krishna.
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Without this Consciousness, how can these objects even be here?
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Without this Consciousness, there is no objects for us to be aware of.
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As a source of all existence, this Formless is the Ultimate Ruler above all living beings.
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So once we understand that this Nirgunaa Brahman is what really is the true ruler, because it's righteous, it cares about everybody, it does things that cause the least amount of harm.
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That's why it's the ultimate ruler, that it's just, it does not allow poverty to continue.
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It does not allow the rich to exploit.
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That's why it's the Ultimate ruler.
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It's based on spiritual principles that it rules everything.
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That's why it's the ultimate ruler.
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If you think about it, we may have rulers in this world.
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They may be sovereignty in this world.
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They may be kings, they may be presidents, but they all operate from a certain angle.
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Either they care about their own power or they are not willing to address real issues, or you may have rulers that do care about real issues and look to eliminate all sorts of injustices that are there in society.
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The true way to see a spiritual person is that they must be the ultimate ruler, meaning they are always fair, they're always kind, and they understand humanity so well because they live, they rule according to spiritual principles, so there's no conflict or any duality or any sort of difference of, well, I'm a spiritual being and I can do whatever I want.
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No, it operates within kindness, within compassion.
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It cares about other people.
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And you know, for example, you can have anyone in a position but the only way you really respect that person is if their character reflects it.
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Same thing in spirituality.
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If somebody is not living according to the spiritual principles whose characteristics aren't spiritual, it doesn't matter.
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If they give lofty speeches, it they are a scholar, it doesn't really matter.
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Only then it matters when we really have that spiritual energy, whenever someone comes across us, they feel that peace and contentment.
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So as a source of all existence, this Formless is the ultimate ruler.
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And it is with the will of this Formless, with the will of Isvara that we can even move a little.
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Without this ultimate ruler, we cannot function in this world.
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This world will be inhabitable.
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Due to this Formless, we are able to do so much.
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And then once we understand that this ruler also is within us, this sovereignty is within us and is our very true nature, then all delusions dissolve away.
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And that's where we recognize that the ultimate ruler is that antaryami, that inner dweller, and that's how we truly see it.
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Then Arjuna continues that your Devadeva the supreme Deva to whom all other Devas must answer and Jagatpati the master controller and source of all the universes.
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So it is the supreme Deva, the MahaDeva of all Devis and Devtas, because ultimately they all emanate from that one, that Brahman, that ultimate reality.
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So that's why it's the Supreme Deva.
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Without the Supreme Deva are, there is no many.
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There is no many Devis and Devtas.
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So the true worship of Devis and Devtas is present when we truly understand that it is this one that we are worshiping, and they all operate under the jurisdiction of Brahman.
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They do not go against Brahman.
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They do not go against the Will of Brahman or the flow of Brahman.
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Everything happens according to this Supreme Deva.
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If there is something that they fear, then it is this Formless Awareness because this Brahman is what really is the only reality.
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All the things that we see are merely transient and temporary.
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And even the Devas know this, and even the Devas know they have to answer to this One.
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If this One is, not out of a dualistic sense, but the Devas have to answer because that's, they're inner calling that they are this Brahman too, and that's why it's there.
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It is the master of all the universes.
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It is the one that gives us the knowledge, that shows that it is the ultimate master.
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So one thing is we know that it rules over everything.
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So it's the master, it's our Guru, it's our teacher.
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At the same time, it's the controller of the universes.
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So with Its one motion, universes function and all happens as it wills to the laws of nature.
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So that's how It controls existence.
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And if we understand that it's both Nirguna and Saguna, we see a complete picture.
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When we see that it's unmanifest and manifest, we see how it works through nature.
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And when we observe nature, we start seeing and perceiving this higher truth that all this multiplicity we see is actually united by this One.
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And that's why it's the source of all the universes.
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All the universes emanate from this One.
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Again, what we need to understand is that it's manifested.
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Remember, it's not created but manifested by this One.
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So it's a source of all universes.
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Without this no universe has a beginning, no universe has an end, but it's because of This (Brahman) a universe has a beginning and has an end and has a structure.
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Verse 16.
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Now, please describe without any reservations how the countless divine wonders of existence emanate from your own Atman, pervading and abiding within every one of the countless lokas.
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Let's look at the whole verse here.
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Arjuna is brilliant in terms of how he's expressed, what he's discovered and knows, and we can know now from this, that he's a, an even deeper seeker than we originally saw.
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So before, when we saw Arjuna, he was full of fear, full of doubt, full of confusion and now we see someone who is gathering the strength to ask for spirituality.
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This is what makes him so different.
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Now he says, please describe without any reservation and this is how we need to be with our gurus as well.
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Are we like that with our mentors, with our role models, with our gurus, our spiritual teachers.
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Do we ever say, describe this truth without reservation?
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We're always hesitant because we are more concerned about our material life than spiritual life.
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Here Arjuna says to Sri Krishna, please describe without any reservations, don't have any limitations on what you can tell me.
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That is the way! He wants to see the complete picture.
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And then he says how the countless divine wonders of existence emanate.
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He wants to see the fullness of this infinite form of Sri Krishna, this infinite form of this existence.
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And he says, it's emanating from your own Atman meaning from your own being, this true reality, this ultimate reality.
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That's where it's arising from.
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Then he says pervading and abiding within everyone of the countless lokas.
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So not only is it in the different realms in existence, but it's within every particle of existence.
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It's pervading everything and it's abiding.
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It's living within everything too.
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Functioning as everything too.
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That's the way to see this.
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Ultimately, from what we see here is that Arjuna is saying everything is divine.
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So let me see this divinity in everything.
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It's a tough thing to actually ask for and even accept, but the beauty here is that Arjuna is ready to accept.
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Then in verse 17.
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How should I see and know You, O greatest yogi, constantly meditating upon You in a myriad of ways.
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O Sri Bhagavan, in what forms, aspects, and states of being, should I contemplate the countless wonders of Your being.
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So the very first part of this verse is, how should I see you and know You, O greatest yogi, constantly meditating upon you in a myriad of ways.
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First of all, this is an important question to ask how we must see our Guru?
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How can we know our Guru?
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How can we know our teacher?
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How can we know this ultimate reality?
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How can we see this ultimate reality?
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How can we see and know Brahman?
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Yeah, this is what this verse is talking about and he is saying, O greatest yogi, because there's no greater yogi than Sri Krishna.
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Sri Krishna is yoga itself.
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It's the union itself.
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It's the Formless itself.
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It's what we may call God itself.
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That's why it's the greatest yogi and because it's the greatest yogi, it will have so many ways in which we can meditate upon it.
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So he's saying, well, how can I meditate upon You?
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What will be pleasing for You?
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There's myriad of ways, there's infinite ways on how I can meditate upon You.
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So how can I create this constant connection to You?
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So this is what Arjuna really wants from him.
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Now, yes, Arjuna is getting ready for battle, but at the same time, he's saying, how can I remain in the awareness of this wisdom that you've given to me?
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How can I?
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How can I remain as connected as much as possible?
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Then in the next verse, he says, O Sri Bhagavan in what forms, aspects, and states of being, should I contemplate the countless wonders of Your being?
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O Sri Bhagavan in what forms, tell me, which forms can I meditate upon You?
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Which Deva should I meditate upon?
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How can I see You?
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What will be that image that is great for You?
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What aspects of You, what attributes of You should I look at?
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Which attributes should I contemplate upon?
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And what state of being should one concentrate on?
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Is it the state of Sattva?
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Is it the state of Rajas?
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Is it the state of Tamas?
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How do I see You?
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How should I contemplate upon You?
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You have countless of wonders.
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Well, how am I meant to see these countless of wonders.
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And they're all in Your being.
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You are all this that I find to be wondrous.
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That is what Arjuna is saying, and that's why we can see from here Arjuna wants to know how he can bring a synthesis between Saguna and Nirguna.
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That's ultimately what he's asking for here.
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Then in verse 18.
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O Sri Krishna, please explain the many details of how You bring forth this amazing manifestation through the power of Your own yoga.
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I never tire of hearing the amrita 'the life restoring nectar of Your immortal words'.
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So here Arjuna says O Sri Krishna please explain the many details of how You bring forth this amazing manifestation through the power of Your own yoga.
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Arjuna is fascinated with these ideas of universes, multiverses.
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So he asks about this manifestation, this existence, this vastness.
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He says, explain the many details of how you bring about this amazing manifestation, all these things that I can see and perceive here.
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Taste, smell, touch.
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Every one of those things, tell me, explain to me these many details of Your amazing manifestation, and it's all through the power of Your own yoga.
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You recognize that the power of all this, the source of all this existence, of this interconnectedness is Sri Krishna, our Guru or Nirguna Brahman.
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He wants all the details Arjuna wants to see it for himself.
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He wants to see how all these separate objects are united with this Formless Awareness.
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And he wants to know how we can establish ourself in understanding that the true power of all this is from this Nirguna Brahman itself.
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From this Formless Awareness.
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Then he says, I never tire of hearing the amrita'life restoring nectar of Your immortal words'.
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This amrita, this life restoring nectar.
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How can anyone get tired of this?
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How can anyone get exhausted by it?
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It gives more and more energy.
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The more we think about it, the more we contemplate upon it.
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So here Arjuna is talking about being in the state of wonder.
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Wonder brings about energy.
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Yeah, it brings about vitality.
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So it's life restoring.
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It brings life to us.
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And remember, Arjuna was feeling low before, he was stressed.
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He was anxious.
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All life was taken out of him and Arjuna's life has been restored.
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His vitality has been restored through Sri Krishna's words, through his Gyana.
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It's helped bring life into him.
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He's saying here, I cannot be tired of listening to You and Your praises.
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I cannot be tired of listening to Your glories.
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I cannot be tired listening to Your immortal words.
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Your words bring immortality.
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It brings in everlasting life.
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Therefore they rejuvenate one.
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That's why he's saying he never tires and truly spiritual beings can never be tired of spirituality.
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You can get tired of worldly pursuits.
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Eventually you'll be tired of them.
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Your body will fail.
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Your mind may fail, but in spirituality, this awareness is what remains at all times.
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When the body is sick, awareness remains.
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When the mind is sick, the awareness remains.
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What spiritual beings can do even if their mind fails them, even if their body fails them, they rest in that awareness, and that's why they're always are in immortality.
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Another thing to note is that Sri Krishna's words are ways to help us get to jivan-mukti.
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They're the ones that provide us with true understanding of spirituality, and that's what Arjuna is saying here.
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Then verse 19.
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Listen Arjuna as I reveal to you the atma vibhuti ‘divine process by which all that exists is manifest from My own Atma’.
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But since there is no limit to My endless expansions, I would only describe those that are most prominent.
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So the first part of the verse is Sri Bhagavan said: Listen Arjuna, as I reveal to you the atma vibhuti, now the atma vibhuti is a divine process by which all that exists is manifest from My own Atma.
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So Sri Krishna, first of all, accepts Arjuna's request and says that he will explain how this atma vibhuti, this divine process, that brings about this manifestation by His true reality.