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Hello everyone.
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Welcome to the Bearded Mystic Oneness Conversations with Gary Haskins.
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He is in my opinion, one of the famous YouTubers that we have that creates great interviews with people in the spiritual circles.
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He asks the right questions, he delves deep, and, I've been on the show once.
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It's conscious perspective and it's really, really good.
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Do check it out.
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The link is in the show notes to his channel, so make sure you do check him out.
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And, uh, so the first question, Gary, and welcome, uh, it's nice to see you after a couple of years.
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Although I've been, although I've been seeing you actually on my feed.
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alot so, so
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Now we're tapped
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in in You know, you can interact.
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Um, so the first question is how did the spiritual path, uh, actually catch your attention?
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You know, why did you want to get involved in it?
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It's a tough one.
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I never know how to answer that.
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I was always inclined, I don't know where it came from, maybe previous lives as some say, but I was always inclined with a sense of curiosity at what all of this was, man.
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Because I feel as though, or I felt as though it never made sense.
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It was just there was some kind of incongruence in how the whole world was set up and how I was supposed to be, how I was supposed to sound, how I was supposed to look, et cetera, et cetera.
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So there was always like a sense of curiosity of.
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Wanting to find out what's real, because I was like, this is, something's not adding up here.
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Like there's just something that just didn't resonate.
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There was not a lot of resonance, I guess you could say.
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Um, so that, like I said, led me down a sense of curiosity, but that curiosity was very material-minded.
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Back in the day, I'll say, I don't know, my teen years to my early twenties, I was a pragmatic atheist material-minded.
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If it couldn't be proven with science, then it didn't exist, kind of mind.
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So I was curious in that way, which I think is a good first step, right?
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Wanting answers to certain questions, just using proofs and maybe mathematics to prove it from there.
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How did I get into spirituality from there?
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Because I do feel as though that is a sort of spirituality, but it's like it's not quite there, you know?
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It's not quite the level of yoga.
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It's a tough one.
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How did I get in that?
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You know, honestly it probably came from a sense of still, even though I was still searching for answers in books, in in the material world, the material mind, there was still that yearning inside still like a sense of dissatisfaction.
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I was like, I guess reached a breaking point of just certain mental illnesses, you know, just, um, somewhere along the way it still didn't add up.
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This was mid twenties, I'd say.
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Still looking for something, looking, seeking something, something.
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I don't know what it was, but still, just the curiosity never ended.
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And then, like I said, certain mental ailments came about.
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I wanted to improve that naturally as I, hopefully we all would got into meditation because I heard, uh, all of the beautiful benefits of meditation.
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And from there, I think that's when it started.
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I think that's when the whole path started, was when I learned to just sit with that sense of mind, that sense of seeking that sense of dissatisfaction.
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And just be curious at that be what is that, what is the, the one.
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Where is this all coming from?
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The one that is dissatisfied, sitting with that every day in a ritualized manner.
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I think that is how the whole spiritual path came to be, is rather than questioning everything from the outside the world, like I said, this world that didn't add up, that just seemed to be backwards, turning that focus inward, that switched up everything.
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Um, and it did actually help my mental illness, I would say my depression, anxiety, all of the, uh, mental illness that I was probably born with, it seemed to be mitigated, but that was just the byproduct that just came along the way, I think from the looking inward.
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Um, so yeah.
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Uh, does that answer your question?
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It's more of just staying on, uh, a curious path
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no, that's really beautiful.
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And I think, um, I really like the fact that you said that it was a byproduct and not the direct cause because I think sometimes people can, uh, as you probably know, people probably come onto the spiritual path thinking it will get rid of all their problems and sometimes it can bring in more problems than the actually, um, so
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ultimately though it does help.
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I think that's why we do it.
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I mean,
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getting right into this thing, I think we suffer so that it can align us with this.
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So-called spiritual Path.
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I really do think there's no other way to go about it.
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We all have this sense of inertia, just like this density in our head, and there's no way to untangle that until you follow the path.
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And I would recommend just meditation.
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I know there's many different yogas, well, four different yogas as they would say in the Gita.
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But me personally, I would recommend meditation to everybody, and it's not gonna work for everybody, but I think a vast majority of people can benefit from regular meditation and it won't necessarily, um, how do I put this?
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It won't get rid of your suffering.
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It will just allow you to look at it a little bit differently, which then you could say thus does get rid of it per se but it's nothing to get rid of.
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It's just a transcendence through how one looks at the, the, the seeming suffering person
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you see?
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I got you.
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So you mentioned the four yogas.
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So obviously this one specifically is Raja yoga, uh, that is mainly talked about, and it's obviously expressed a lot through Swami Vivekananda Ji's writings, uh, and, and lectures.
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So did that, did you ever read his, um, book on Raja yoga and how did that help if you
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No, I actually haven't.
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Um, I know I probably should have, and I sound a little fake for not reading it, but I know much of Swami Vivekananda and what he has to say.
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I just haven't dove into that specific book, and I know a lot about Raja yoga.
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I just, um, have yet to explore his actual, well, I've explored his writings, just not in a full, you know, like a full book in a manner where I sit down and go through hundreds of pages.
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But I do know of it very well.
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So how did you come across Raja yoga then?
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I don't know, man.
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Just along the way, along the way of just learning meditation somehow.
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It was probably through the Gita.
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I think the Gita was probably the first explanation of Raja yoga, most likely.
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Um, but yeah, it was just, uh, I went through a yoga 200 hour teaching course and that was probably a very fair introduction to the whole idea of Raja yoga,
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which that was just the tip of the iceberg.
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But still, I think it was a good introduction into it, you know, a good platform.
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Yeah, that's good to hear because a lot of the, um, nowadays, because these, um, yoga courses are good business, um, they hardly talk about these, um, philosophical aspects now.
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So it's kind of nice that at least your course talked about, uh, the Gita and how Raja yoga was kind of.
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Uh, kinda implied by Shri Krishna quite a bit actually.
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Uh, when we think about it, in fact, if you wanna say the whole, um, I would say the whole Gita itself, the underlying aspect is that you're meant to be centred when you read it and it's, when you're centered, you get that focus like Arjuna where you can finally, you know, get over the, the pains and ailments of life and the material attachments.
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So it's, it's interesting'cause people would think Shri Krishna is only about one path, or, you know, there's schools of thoughts that'd just be like, oh no, he's only about Bhakti, or he is only about, uh, gyana yoga.
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But actually it's, I think all four of them are intertwined and infused within it, and you can't deny one over the other.
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But like you said, everyone can have a pre, uh, preference and.
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Again, that's according to your karma or your past lives.
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Do you believe in past lives and, um, and, and what's been your experience in like having, uh, maybe interviews with people who've spoken about their past lives?
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Have you ever had that?
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And, um, and what's your view about it in general?
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Oh man.
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Depends on the day.
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Um, I'm more inclined to say yes, that we do have past lives.
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It seems to be the way of things somehow, some way we are born over and over and over again.
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That might be why some of us have certain inclinations that others don't have.
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It's just like a remnants of past lives, other karma that we have to reap.
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You know, why are some people so good when they're born that guitar, or they're so such good singers, or just have a knack.
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We all have our knacks, so most likely it's remnants from other lives, and it seems just right, man.
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Doesn't it like when you meditate on reincarnation, it seems like, yeah, that's just, that's just how it be.
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That's just how it is.
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And one could say, oh, you're just coping because you're afraid to die like you wanna be reborn.
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Actually, that's not the good news.
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If you look into Eastern philosophy, you don't wanna live forever.
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Like that's the bad news.
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You've been in this thing for millions and millions and millions of lives.
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It's called Samsara, and you don't wanna do that again.
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So it's not a coping mechanism, it's just actually facing the truth that, whoa.
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Wait a second.
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I'm in this perpetual, I was gonna say trap.
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It's not really a trap because you don't wanna look at it like that, but it, if you're not aware of it, it could be a trap.
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Like if you're not aware of samsara, it's a trap of ultimate ignorance.
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So point of the story is, yes, I do believe in it.
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Um, and it's not because I want to believe in it what You It's not because my fear is convincing me that like, oh yeah, we live forever.
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No, it's actually seems like that's just how it is.
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That's just the game, I guess you could say.
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And I don't think you can read that from a book.
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I don't think it's something that somebody can tell you.
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You just have to go within yourself.
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Meditate, earnestly, can't emphasize that enough, and just that would just become apparent.
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It just becomes apparent.
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I'm not a hundred percent sure of it.
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I'm not a hundred percent sure of anything, but it just seems likely, very likely, that that is the thing.
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You, you mentioned I, I liked what you said about how some people can utilize it.
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as a coping mechanism, and there's so many people, that would turn around and say, well, I don't, you know, maybe in my next life I can look at spirituality.
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A lot of people in the Indian diaspora will say this, and it's like, um, and my, my guru ones asked this question, how do you not know that this is your last life?
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You know, why are you thinking that your last life is in the next one?
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It could actually be in it right now.
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So it's interesting that you said that, and I think a lot of people do utilize it as a coping mechanism to kind of perpetuate the ignorance and keep it going.
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That's, yeah.
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That was really cool, man.
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I don't believe it matters.
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I think, uh, if this is our last one,
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or if we have a million after this, it doesn't matter, as in what I'm supposed to do here.
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The Dharma that Gary imbues into the world isn't affected by millions of lives or this only life.
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If you're truly, if you're truly following your Dharma in this life, it doesn't matter.
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That's just like another narrative.
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That's just another story.
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So you know what I mean by that.
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Yeah, yeah, yeah.
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I'm following.
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I'm following.
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Yeah, yeah, So I don't like to get caught up in that.
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'cause that can just be another story.
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That can just be like another trap.
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It's cool to talk about, and obviously I've talked about it plenty, and it's cool to entertain, but at the end of the day, if you're truly, you know, in the now, in the here and now following one's Dharma, going with the logos.
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you're truly present, like, truly present, like true presence, it doesn't matter.
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It really, it's like, what, what?
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Doesn't matter, man.
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Be here now.
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I'll tell you this story and hopefully I don't mess it up, and you've probably heard it, most likely you've heard it before.
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There was this monk who was traveling on the road to heaven, on the road to God.
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And, uh, along the way he came across this dancing man and, uh.
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He said, Hey, what's up man?
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And he said, Hey, where you going?
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Oh, I'm just going to heaven and talk to God.
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He said, oh cool.
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Can you ask him how many lifetimes I got left?
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Yeah, for sure.
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Walks on.
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Walks on by, then he sees another man sitting.
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The lotus posture, you know, the cliche monk just meditating under the Bodhi tree interrupts his meditation.
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Hello sir.
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Uh, what's going on?
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Oh, I'm just going to visit God going to heaven.
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Oh, cool.
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Uh, can you ask him how many lifetimes I got left?
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Yeah, sure, sure.
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So goes there, talks to God, lets him know the deal.
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On the way back he sees, let not mess this up.
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He sees the monk again and he says, you know, obviously, did you talk to God?
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Yeah, man.
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Uh, well, how many lifetimes I got left?
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He said about five.
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And right then and there, the monk came out of his meditation posture.
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He's like, what do you mean five?
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I've been doing this, I've been on the path doing all of these modalities, you know, cliche, Raja yogi, just angry, just furious.
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What do you mean five lifetimes?
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So obviously that guy had to get outta there'cause the monk was getting angry.
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He was, he wasn't happy about the news.
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And he moves on further down the path and he sees the dancing man just exuberant.
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Just, oh, he's just, he's just, he's just having a great old time.
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Hey, what's up man?
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Just talk to God.
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How many lifetimes I got left?
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He said, oh, 5 million.
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And then the dancing man goes, that's it.
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And he continues dancing on and on.
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And he is just, just still just dancing, how he was dancing before and keeps going.
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The guy keeps going that talked to God.
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And that's, that's it.
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And that's the moral of the story is it doesn't really, how do I put this?
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You have to be present, man.
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It doesn't really matter what you do.
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It doesn't matter how many lifetimes you have left.
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You kind of just have to dance the dance, you know?
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Um, the spiritual path isn't something that looks a certain way to one person.
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I mean, well, how do I put this?
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It may look a certain way to one person, but it may apply differently to you.
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the, how do I put this man, the monk, he only had five, right?
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He may look like a spiritual person.
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He may look, he look, he's look like he's in the moment, but when he got the news that he, he had five, he's pissed off.
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Seems like a lot to him.
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Wasn't he doing a lot of work?
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And then the dancing man, he had 5 million.