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hello everyone, and welcome to a special episode of the Bearded mystic podcast and I'm your host Rahul N Singh.
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Thank you for joining today.
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I wish you all the very Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.
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It's great to be able to record this special episode.
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And what we're going to be doing today is doing a deep dive in to Advaita Vedanta.
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I had some questions that came from your direct messages on social media, so I basically put them into a category and then formulated some questions based on that, or what were the common questions?
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And it was nice to get your feedback.
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And now we can go into what Advaita Vedanta is or what your questions about Advaita Vedanta is, and going into a little bit of depth as well.
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I'm going to try and keep it as simple as possible because with Advaita Vedanta, this topic of non-duality is very important that we take it from a standpoint of simplicity.
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It's very easy to complicate it, and yet it is the simplest wisdom out there, it doesn't need a lot of philosophy around it.
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The only reason why philosophy is necessary, it's because of our complex minds, we have to give these complicated answers, but Advaita Vedanta non-duality, it's very very simple and not complicated at all.
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Before we go into the deep dive, I do want to talk about my Patreon page with you and I would request if you could please sign up and support the Bearded mystic podcast on Patreon.
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Now with Patreon what you can do is you get extra content, you get to be in a live stream with me, that's only specifically for Patreon, you get blog posts, you get special bonus episodes of a podcast.
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There's so many things you get from being in that community.
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On top of that, it keeps this podcast ad free.
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How many times have you gone onto a podcast and you've heard an ad and you want to skip, I want to keep us away from corporate donors and anything like that, and just keep us focused on the podcast and the content and keep us editorially free as well.
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Please take a look at my Patreon page and you can find the link in the video description or in the show notes below.
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And let's start.
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By the way I made a cup of tea this morning because I started to set
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30 AM in the morning.
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And I kind of need my tea, so I'll probably be sipping my tea throughout this.
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This is a very casual episode.
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It's not formal.
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It's literally a conversation with you and that's how I want to do it today.
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Sprinkling in a lot of deep philosophy.
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the first question, this was a very popular one.
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What is Maya?
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I can understand why it's a popular question.
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There's a lot of confusion around it.
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And the main reason for the confusion is that sometimes people have translated Maya as illusion.
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Now it's not an illusion.
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According to Advaita Vedanta according to non-duality, it is not an illusion.
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Maya is very real because on the relative level, you are experiencing Maya and you are dealing with Maya to then turn around and call it in illusion.
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It takes away the meaning of life or the juice of life or the, the excitement of life, or even the purpose of life.
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So therefore I think calling it an illusion is not a great word personally speaking.
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Maya is seen as mithya and mithya just means it is a reality that is relative.
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It is subject to change, to modification.
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This is true, if we look at our own body, it is decaying every second.
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And when it goes, when the life force disappears and we'd be talking about the life force later, that also shows us that we are going to decay.
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This body does not remain as it is without its vitality.
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It is mithya.
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Our thoughts, our mind shows it's mithya.
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How many people unfortunately end up getting dementia or you start forgetting things just naturally, you know, your memory isn't as sharp as it used to be.
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That is the subject of modification.
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So just looking at our body and mind, we can see it as mithya.
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In the sense, yes, all this is unreal at the absolute level, but how many of us actually live on the absolute level?
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Even if you are a renunciant who has gone to an Ashram, who has gone to the Himalayas or who is retreated to a forest, how many of them are actually experiencing things on the absolute level of reality?
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Probably not.
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Our waking reality does not allow us to do this, in Advaita Vedanta there is the topic of waking, dreaming, deep sleep, and then the Turiya state, the fourth state.
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Now we won't be going into that.
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Nobody really asked questions on that.
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But again, we can see that our awareness is present in all four of these, but subject to how alert we are.
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Now, when we are experiencing the world, when we are dealing with our clients at work or our friends at school, or our family members, whatever it may be our friends, when we were at the pub having a drink, all this is real at the relative level, you cannot be having a pint with your friends or a drink with your friends, whether it's water, Coca Cola.
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If you don't drink alcohol and be thinking, oh, this is unreal.
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Unless your friend is someone that understands Advaita Vedanta and you can talk on that level and have an understanding that's different.
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And I do that sometimes with my friends and my family, but with someone who doesn't know Advaita Vedanta, or someone who is in the philosophy of duality.
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I don't think that's a great thing to say.
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You know, I don't think they're going to get you.
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If I turn around and say, well, this cup of green tea, is unreal, well, it's not unreal because I'm going to taste it.
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The heat is very real.
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The water it's going to quench my thirst, the caffeine is going to wake me up.
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It's very real.
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This is what we need to understand about Maya, but that's a relatively simple way to understand it.
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Maya or the relative reality, I like to call it the relative reality or the transactional reality.
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That's what I like to call it because it is still real at a transactional level yeah.
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We've talked about this in previous podcasts episodes, but it's something I still find people are confused about.
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They don't know how to practice the knowledge of Brahman and that everything is basically unreal on the objective level and the ultimate level of reality, and then deal with the world.
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They don't know how to do that.
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They don't know how to marry up the two.
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And it's very simple.
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When you're working the transactional reality is at the forefront and then the background awareness is Brahman.
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And when you're in meditation or in moments of silence or contemplation, Brahman is at the forefront and the transactional reality will always be in the background.
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While you're alive, you cannot get rid of your transactional reality.
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So to even attempt to get rid of it is a fool's attempt.
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And I'm going to go into why that is, but do you not even think about doing this?
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Trust me if right now you think you have to transcend Maya and get over it and that you need to really understand that it does not exist.
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That it's all in illusion.
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I would say, just stop.
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Don't do that.
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It's just going to get you into a mess, a big mess.
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A pool of confusion and nobody likes that.
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So at the non dual level, this absolute level of reality, maya or the relative reality that we perceive is unreal, because there's only oneness at this stage, therefore there is no perception of multiplicity.
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Now, what does this mean?
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That this is unique.
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So yes, you see the relative reality.
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You see the world, you see everything around you yet.
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The main thing here is you see oneness, you perceive oneness, you can understand what is that absolute level of reality that is diffused in all of this, that we see, in all of our perception, what is it that we see?
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We see Brahman the ultimate reality.
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That's the difference.
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That's how you live in the world.
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And you can live happily in the world, with joy, without confusion, without conflict, because that is the simplest way to live.
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At the relative reality, Maya is seen as real as we interact with life.
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And we all know that we feel that it is real.
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And this is only questioned when we witness a death.
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This is interesting because only when someone dies, do we understand and contemplate that, oh, I'm going to go then that means that my body is also subject to modification and change and decay.
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Therefore, what am I doing will life?
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So Maya only comes into our awareness at this point, otherwise Maya has no particular impact on us.
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We are happily living in the world, not worried about anything.
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So when someone dies, do we then think about our own mortality?
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And this thought that appears is a thought that transforms our spirituality.
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From that point forward, we end up wanting to live a more spiritual life.
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Now Adi Shankara Ji has made it very clear and I was listening to a talk of Swami Sarvapriyananda, and he mentions this as well.
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You see, this is why it's important to also have teachers.
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Brahman, it's only directly realized and understood when you have a teacher or when you have someone you can learn from.
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Now, it doesn't mean that you have to personally go to a guru and then take their approval of your discipleship.
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I would even say now in this day and age, if you listen to their podcast, if you watch their YouTube videos, if you follow them on social media and you really value each and every word of theirs, they are a guru for you.
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They are a guide for you and that's okay.
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They will tell you the real knowledge.
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And if you take everything they say with sincerity with absolute honesty, in terms of practice, you will succeed.
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For sure.
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So Swami Sarvapriyananda and Adi Shankara Ji, they have pointed out that Maya is Brahman without Brahman.
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Maya cannot be Maya cannot exist.
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And it's only because of Maya that we can understand Brahman with the examples of Maya.
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You know the classic rope and the snake example.
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That is using Maya, you using this subjective reality to understand Brahman.
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So you're walking in the dark, you see something dangling off a branch.
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You think it's a snake, you get scared and you stand back.
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The sun rises, there's daylight.
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You have a look and it's a piece of rope.
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It was always a rope.
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You thought it was a snake.
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Likewise, brahman is like the rope.
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We think the rope is something else, which is Maya.
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This Maya, if you want to call it, it's a reflected consciousness of this Brahman.
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It's a reflection, an appearance.
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Because only Brahman is then Maya must be Brahman.
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Yeah, let me say this again.
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Maya is Brahman.
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Without Brahman, maya cannot be.
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And because only Brahman is then Maya must be Brahman.
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Brahman, meaning the ultimate reality.
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Maya is projected to us like a movie against a blank screen.
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The blank screen being Brahman and Maya is the projector.
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Yeah, the colors of the screen, the moving characters of the screen, the scenery in the screen.
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But when the projector is turned off, then the screen is as it is.
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The screen was always blank.
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It only had the appearance of images so right now some of us will be going to the cinema to watch Spiderman or we'd be watching the new matrix movie.
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All that would be done against the blank screen at the cinema.
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Again, we're using the understanding of Maya.
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Now another example of that would be the clay pot.
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Imagine there are multiple clay pots in front of you, say 50, but really it's only made of one substance - clay.
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We call it a pot, but actually it's just clay.
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So even though we call this maya, really it is just Brahman.
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You see?
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I dunno, like I feel this is real for me when I'm explaining it to you.
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I don't know if you're following on.
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So let me know, write me a comment on social media, get in touch with me, let me know if you've understood what I mean by this whole topic of Brahman is Maya and maya is Brahman and that they're not different.
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Let me know.
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Like I said, there may be multiple pots, but really it's just clay.
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Likewise, with the multiplicity of Maya, multiplicity of naam and roop.
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The name and forms.
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There is many.
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But really it's substance is only one.
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It's only Brahman.
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This is something we can understand and with the teacher, this can be understood very clearly.
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I've experienced this in my life.
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My guru also told me how to directly perceive Brahman in the most direct manner.
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I didn't look at anything else.
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My Guru said many things which inspired me, but the biggest inspiration was when I was shown what Brahman is.
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And once I was shown what Brahman is, I could not deny it.
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But I'm still working on it.
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I'm still, you know, not enlightened yet.
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I'm hoping to be enlightened..
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And that's the other funny thing in Advaita Vedanta you are already enlightened, but this is a strong hold of Maya, right?
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That it keeps you in the belief that you're not enlightened, all that needs to be removed is the veil.
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You know, in the classic example you could use is in India, you see the bride she's has the veil over her face.
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She hides her beauty.
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The veil is like and the beauty of the bride is Brahman.
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'Satyam, Sunderam Shivam.' satyam we know is Truth Sunderam is beauty.
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Shivam is consciousness.
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And here you have to lift the veil to see the beauty of the bride or even the groom.
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When you see the beauty, then you can see Brahman directly.
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You don't need the veil.
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The veil is no longer obstructing that beauty.
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Likewise, the guru lifts that veil, and then you can directly perceive Brahman and the group will never be in between you and Brahman.
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Between you and that formless consciousness.
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The Guru will never, ever come in between.
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The Guru will tell you concentrate on this.
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This is who I worship.
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You also worship this.
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Due to avidya, our individual ignorance, we do not acknowledge that our eyes are veiled.
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We think the world is only made of the material substance, but we know that much is not seen because our senses veils our full perception.
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Our senses are so limited, it only sees the material substance.
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It didn't see the immaterial substance.
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And this is what the Guru helps us in or what knowledge helps us in.
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It shows us what the reality is.
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There's things that our senses can't perceive that other animals can perceive.
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That's why, whatever is material, don't take it as complete.
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You're not seeing the full picture.
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This is why in many ways, I wonder whether this endeavor with science is ever going to be successful because do we have the apparatus to see the truth?
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To see reality as it is with the limited senses that we have.
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That's why in Advaita Vedanta, in spirituality, it's told of us to go beyond our senses.
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And that is just awareness.
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And I wonder now whether with the advancement of technology and science, whether they will now start looking at how in the east, they have been describing levels of reality.
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It'd be interesting to see if they go towards that.
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I know there is talks about it and someone who's actually leading this is the Dalai Lama in this endeavor, bridging science and the subject of consciousness.
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It's very interesting.
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We must understand that the world you live in is empirically real and that this appearance of multiplicity will continue.
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It's going to go on for infinite times, whether it's there or not, who cares?
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It's going to continue.
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It's not going to disappear.
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All that we call Maya is the naam and roop of Brahman and with the knowledge of Brahman, we can see that this naam and roop is just an appearance.
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Therefore, even all this answer I've given to you about what is Maya, it's all mithya.
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It's all subject to change, to modification because reality itself is non-dual and is beyond explanation.
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This is why it's so beautiful.
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Earlier I mentioned, what would things be at the non dual level?
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That's what it is.
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It's beyond explanation.
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The next question.
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What is the purpose of Advaita Vedanta if all is Brahman?
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Now I think the answer that I gave in Maya answers this to some level, but I think it may require a little bit more depth.
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So this was, again, another common question and when we say that all is Brahman and that is all you need to know, then when you mix that in with incorrect understanding of Maya, people, then think, well, what's the point of life?
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What's the meaning of life?
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What's the purpose of life?
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I can tell you there's a couple of purposes in human life that we must adhere to as we are followers of Advaita Vedanta.
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And the first one is to ensure you have enough for your daily living, do not rely upon anyone else.
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If you don't have enough, then spirituality is a no go zone.
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So first thing is to ensure that you have the means for survival.
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So if it means that you have to go and get a job, go get a job.
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If it means you need to feed your family, make sure your family is fed, work with your spouse or your partner, and make sure that happens.
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If you're a single parent, do your level best to ensure how you can do that effectively.
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Utilize karma programs to help you.
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Those are the things we need to do.
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Make sure at least the basic things like food, water, electricity, now the internet.
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All these things are provided.
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Ensure that you can satisfy your personal desires.
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However, they may be as this will empower you to think of something beyond this body and mind.
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Whatever personal desires you have, you want to get a particular car, you want to get a bigger house.
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You want to move to a different area or location.
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You want to buy something in the house, whatever these personal and desires of yours are, meet them.
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Now, when I say meet them, I don't necessarily mean to just go and get what you desire.
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What I mean is put them under an inquiry.
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Think about them, look into them, see if they are necessary.
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So once you're happy with your personal needs met and you're satisfied, then you can think of the community and you can expand this from your home to your neighborhood and if possible your country, and even better this whole world, this earth and help them with their needs.
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You find this to be a responsibility worth keeping, helping others selflessly is a goal, many aspire to.
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So have that feeling of helping others, of being there for others.
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Now you can't change the world in a moment, but you can change the world a little bit and you can always do this.
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So if that means giving money to charity or offering your services to charity, doing whatever you can.
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Help others.
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In your family if you're a kid yeah, help your parents clean the house, support them.
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Cook a meal for your mom and dad one day.
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Do those things.
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Yeah, it would make them happy.
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Once you've met all those desires and your helping others, but now you still feel that something is missing in life.
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In each stage of your life so far, whether it was meeting the needs for your survival.
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Then meeting your personal desires, then helping the community, all these three things, once you met them, once you got your desire, once you helped someone you felt good, but then that feeling subsided, it disappeared.
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Then you come across the fourth one.
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The fourth point here.