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Hello everyone, welcome to a new episode of the Bearded Mystic podcast, and I'm your host, rahul N Singh.
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Thank you very much for joining today.
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Uh, rate and review and follow the podcast and to so you can keep getting the brand new episodes that happen mostly on a daily basis now.
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So this week, in a few days time, it will be Mahashivratri, where we will be celebrating the, the night where we contemplate upon Lord Shiva, now Shivji, who I used to worship before I found my guru and somewhat still worship today, because all is the one pure consciousness.
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We, I obviously have a close affinity to Shivji and there's a certain beauty in the life of Shivji that I really like.
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He'll get angry, he'll get upset, he'll be compassionate, he'll show mercy, he'll do all of those things and also spread the most deepest wisdom and be in the deepest meditative states.
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In fact, a lot of people that do vipassana meditation they don't know that that originates from, actually from one of the texts called the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra and that is a book of, say, 112 techniques of meditation given Lord Shiva, you know he, there's obviously the Shiva Sutras and they are pretty good.
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So what I plan to do on Mahashivatri is maybe from 9, 10 o'clock pm, eastern Standard Time is do a live where we'll just go through some of the shlokas from the shiva sutras and, and just you know, explore them, have a nice casual chat and just contemplate on shiva, that which is, that which is and that which is not, and and that's literally what Shiva is.
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Now, the very first verse of the Shiva Sutras and I wanted to start with this because it starts with the bang it says consciousness is the self.
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So if we think that we are other than this body and mind, then we're mistaken.
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And look at the very first verse.
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It doesn't wait for like um moments later.
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It's like you've got to really know your stuff when you're, when you read this, you know, and you've got to have some sort of insight into brahman, into the pure consciousness.
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So when you read something like Jetanyam is the Self or Jetanyam Atma, you should get it straight away what it means.
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And this only happens when we take the shelter of a guru, take a shelter of a teacher, and we learn from them and we gain the insights, and those insights then bring up our practice.
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That practice ends up becoming our experience.
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Then that experience, we see what is the experiencer.
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Then, once we understand what the experiencer is, we then rest in that formless awareness.
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We rest in that awareness and that is literally the whole of spirituality that I've just said in less than a couple of minutes.
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The whole point is to understand that chetanyam, this pure consciousness, is what you are, and do not allow yourself to feel that you're anything less.
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Do not think, oh, because you know, I am the body and mind.
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No, you're not the body and mind.
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You have a body and mind and and this is something you have to really understand and when we say, jaitanyam is the self, it's not some separate self within you that's living, it's right here, right now.
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It doesn't, it's not, it's actually indivisible.
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We think it's divided because we see this whole universe and we think, well, this is what represents the self.
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No, the self is beyond all forms and to understand Lord Shiva, you have to understand that he is beyond all forms.
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So that's really my message today nothing long of an episode.
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I want to keep it really short and sweet and just get ready for the next couple of days where we will focus on the Shiva Sutras.
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We'll look at the second one tomorrow.
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And you know, in the end, if you can just remember that you're pure consciousness, that you are pure awareness and you're this formless, if you keep remembering this and you keep on being diligent in that practice, you will attain the highest in spirituality.
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It's just about having the guts to do it, that's all okay.
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Thank you, namaste.