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It's important that when we are talking about non-duality or we are meditating upon non-duality upon this Brahman, this Formless Awareness, sometimes it can seem rather dry we can sometimes feel that we can't relate to this Brahman, this Nirguna, because it's attribute-less and therefore it can be quite difficult to create a relationship with this.
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And that's why it's very important if you're on the spiritual journey that you have an ishta-devta, someone that you look up to, someone that can guide you a Guru that can help you, not only build your own boat, but give you the training to sail the ocean of samsara, this world, this universe, and this ishta-devta that can ground you as well.
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Sometimes, if you just keep thinking of Nirguna Brahman you can fall under the delusion that I'm over the ego.
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There is no ego, therefore, I'm over it now.
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But what we find is the ego then subtly grows and becomes more intense.
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So in today's meditation session that I would like to do, is to create that relationship, create that unifying oneness and establish ourselves in It, as It.
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If we can first begin with just simple breathing, as you have been doing inhale and exhale.
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Now, when you inhale, instead of just thinking of inhaling the breath, inhale Brahman, the attributes of Brahman.
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So think of the, all pervading, Sat Chit Ananda.
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Sat is the whole of existence, this Being of existence, Chit, this Consciousness, Your awareness, and Ananda bliss.
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If bliss is hard to understand right now, think of happiness.
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Breathe in Sat Chit Ananda.
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Breathe in Existence, Consciousness, Bliss or happiness.
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Then exhale any pain, suffering, conflict, exhale that out.
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Then again, breathe in Sat Chit Ananda.
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Existence, Consciousness, Bliss, happiness, compassion, kindness, peace.
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And then exhale, the conflict, the suffering, the challenges, the separation, the negative emotions, breathe that all out.
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And then again, inhale that peace, joy.
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Sat Chit Ananda.
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Existence, the whole being, the whole universe, this oneness breathe it in.
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And then exhale.
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Let's do this for a couple of minutes.
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As you're breathing in, you may find that your center, your heart is expanding.
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Let it expand.
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Let it grow.
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As you're breathing in, if you have an ishta-devta, so that can be your Guru.
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It can be Shiva Ji Krishna, Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Lao Tzu, Buddha any deity, whoever is your Ishta-Devta, when you're breathing in absorb their presence.
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There may come a point when you're exhaling, you've let go of all the conflict, separation, negative emotions, pain, suffering.
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You may have let go of all of that.
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Then just keep breathing in and breathing out the same way.
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Just remember there is a unity in your breathing in and breathing out now, if you get to that Oneness.
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Breathe in and remind yourself that your Ishta-Devta is Sat Chit Ananda.
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Existence Consciousness Bliss.
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Let your Ishta-Devta expand and let it keep expanding.
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Let it keep growing, getting larger and larger so that it covers the whole of existence.
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Allow that love to flow from your heart, from the center of your Being.
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Feel the divinity of the Ishta-Devta, of Saguna Brahman, of Ishwara in each and every particle of existence.
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It is the Ground of Existence.
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The Ground of Being.
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As you feel that oneness with the whole of existence, the ground of being, you will start seeing that you are aware of this Ground of Being.
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You are aware of the love that is present.
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You are aware of the all pervading aspect of the Ishta-Devta, Saguna Brahman.
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Like the blank screen Nirguna Brahman and its reflection is this Existence.
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No matter what is projected as Existence, Awareness remains Pure as it is.
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Formless as it is.
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Shapeless, as it is.
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No matter what happens in this Ground of Being, this Shared Being, this existence.
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Awareness remains unblemished.
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Consciousness remains unblemished, unperturbed, unmoved.
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Absolutely Still.
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And you see this as One Unifying Wholeness.
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Complete in Itself.
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You do not see duality in Existence and Consciousness.
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You see it as all One.
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And naturally when we are united and understand that we are this oneness, this Nirguna Brahman, this Pure Awareness, this Formless Awareness.
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Then we automatically feel bliss.
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We feel Anand, we feel joy without any end.
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As this Nirguna Brahman, this Awareness remains As It Is.
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Likewise Bliss Ananda is side by side.
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You cannot have one without the other.
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As I said it's complete.
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So soak in that Ananda-Avastha, the blissful state.
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And that is what happens as a natural response, a natural consequence of Being in Oneness.
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Being one with your Ishta-Devta.
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Being one with Nirguna Brahman, it naturally brings in joy, brings in ecstasy, brings in bliss.
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For a few moments, let's allow that bliss to emerge and rest in our Being.
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Bliss or Ananda may arrive in waves and you may observe them as waves in the beginning, but remember the waves have an origin, which is the ocean.
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So allow the waves to become the ocean and feel the oceanic expanse, the spaciousness of Bliss, ever-expanding, Infinite and Eternal.
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Allow this love to capture you into this Oneness.
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This is extremely powerful, if you can within your heart, allow the sound of Aum to reverberate, to vibrate in this ocean of Bliss.
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So allow this ocean of Ananda, of Bliss, of Aum, allow it to rest in your Heart.
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So that when you leave today's meditation session, whatever you see, perceive, hear, touch, you should see all that as the Ground of Being, as Sat as Existence.
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This Existence that is One with You.
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And that also is the vibration or the reverberation of Aum or Brahman of this Formless Awareness.
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And the more we do this as a self remembrance, the more deeper our meditation can go.
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So when you're ready, open your eyes.