I am the host of The Bearded Mystic Podcast. This podcast explores the Hindu philosophy of Advaita Vedanta or Nonduality in a very simple, direct and practical way.

Episodes include discussions into eastern scriptures like The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads etc and discussions about everyday spirituality. A new episode is uploaded every Sunday. Subscribe to the channel and don’t miss out on a single episode.

I have been a spiritual seeker for over 20 years and has an open-minded approach to spirituality and I have discovered and realized that there is no one size fits all approach.

I have enjoyed growing a community on social media and I post regular clips of the podcast and general videos on TikTok and even do livestreams on this platform. The whole aim of my presence on social media is to show my authentic self. You can add find my TikTok account here: https://www.tiktok.com/@thebeardedmysticpodcast

I lead a weekly meditation class every Saturday. To join this class, you can find out here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/62877384

To keep my writing chops, I commit to writing a monthly newsletter, which does a deep dive into a particular topic, along with some poetry and musings over a verse from a spiritual text, you can subscribe to it here: http://thebeardedmysticpodcast.substack.com

To support everything related to The Bearded Mystic Podcast, it would be great if you could join one of the tiers on The Bearded Mystic Podcast Patreon Page and the more support I get here, the more I can make this my full-time endeavor: https://www.patreon.com/thebeardedmysticpodcast

Although this has been about me so far, let me just add here that I would like to thank you for all the support you have given so far, may I always be able to share my thoughts with you. If this is the first time you have come across me, then welcome and I can't wait to forge a spiritual friendship and community with you like I have created with my current listeners, my spiritual friends.

Lots of love and humbly,

Rahul N Singh